

Thursday, December 9, 2010

kupata mwenza katika maisha n safari ndefu,

msaada tutani tafadhali
Habar za kazi kaka ......hongera kwa kazi nzuri ya kutupa taarifa mbalimbali ktk blog yetu ya jamii.
Naomba msaada,uniwekee post yangu hii katika blog yetu pls!

mimi ni msichana,umri wangu ni miaka 26.elimu yangu ni form 4,na kwa sasa nafanya kazi ya ualimu huku kilimanjaro. nimekuwa ktk relation mara 2 kwa wakati tofauti ila tatizo ni kuwa najihis nina bahati mbaya,bcoz kila niliyedate nae alikuwa tayar ktk uhusiano. so mimi nimechoka kuwa mtu wa ziada.ndio maana natafuta mtu aliye serious ili tufanye maisha.nipo tayar kupima HIV,na hata kama atahitaji tuchunguzane kwa muda nipo tayari kwa aliye muaminifu.
weka email yangu,ili kwa atakae kuwa tayari tuwasiliane,
na endapo kuna maswali nitayajibu.
source   :michuzi Blog

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law has converted to Islam

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law has converted to Islam after having what she describes as a “holy experience” during a visit to Iran.
Journalist and broadcaster Lauren Booth, 43 – Cherie Blair’s sister – now wears a hijab whenever she leaves her home, prays five times a day and visits her local mosque whenever she can.
She decided to become a Muslim six weeks ago after visiting the shrine of Fatima al-Masumeh in the city of Qom.
“It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy,” she said in an interview today.
When she returned to Britain, she decided to convert immediately.
Booth – who works for Press TV, the English-language Iranian news channel – has stopped eating pork and reads the Qur’an every day. She is currently on page 60.
Booth has stopped drinking alcohol and says she has not wanted to drink since converting.
Before her spiritual awakening in Iran, she had been “sympathetic” to Islam and has spent considerable time working in Palestine, she said, adding that she hoped her conversion would help Blair change his presumptions about Islam.


  -When she returned to Britain, she decided to convert immediately.
‘Now I don’t eat pork and I read the Koran every day. I’m on page 60. I also haven’t had a drink in 45 days, the longest period in 25 years,’ she said.
‘The strange thing is that since I decided to convert I haven’t wanted to touch alcohol, and I was someone who craved a glass of wine or two at the end of a day.

Happy New Year 1432 AH‏

Assallam aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatu

 Let me be the first to wish u a prosperous 1432 AH

Where did the year go? Suddenly it is Zhul -Hijjah and nearly Muharram......again - and we realize that with giant strides we started in new Islamic year. And within a blink of an eye, 1431 is on its back!

A big "Thank You" to each and everyone of you, for the huge impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the support, encouragement, prayers, advise and e-mails I received.......without you, I'm sure that 1431 would have been extremely boring.

From my side I wish you all a magical Festive Season filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts.

May 1432 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures.
And to those who need someone special, may you find that true love
To those who needed Taqwa, Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Money, Respect and Integrity, may Allah's Blessings and  Rahmah reach You in abundance.
To those who need caring, may you find a good heart
To those who need friends, may you meet lovely people
To those who need life, may you find Allah in All your affairs

Allahuma ya muqallibal qulubi wal absar Thabbit qulubana ala Ta'atika
  Happy  and Prosperous New Year In Advance!!!

Numerical Miracles of the Quran

Number "7"

At First, bring a Calculator to check with yourself

The details of this subject was quoted from the site "http://www.kaheel7.com/" and the Writer: Abdel Daa'm Al Kaheel
And I checked it myself

The Quran 41 "Fussilat":(41:42)
(41) Those who disbelieve in the Remembrance when it comes to them -- and surely it is a Book Sublime;
(42) falsehood comes not to it from before it nor from behind it; a sending down from One All-wise, All-laudable.

23 Years needed to reveal the Quran
114 Chapters "Sura" in The Quran were revealed in 23 Years
6236 Verses "Ayaa" in The Quran were revealed in 23 Years

- By putting the numbers 23 and 114 together

we get 23114 and backwards 41132

If we divid each one of these numbers by Seven, we will get integers

23114 = 7 × 3302
41132 = 7 × 5876

- By putting the numbers 23 and 6236 together

we get 236236 and backwards 632632

If we divid each one of these numbers by Seven, we will get integers also

236236 = 7 × 33748
632632 = 7 × 90376

- By putting the numbers 114 and 6236 together

we get 1146236 and backwards 6326411

If we divid each one of these numbers by Seven, we will get integers also

1146236 = 7 × 163748
6326411 = 7 × 903773

Look at this also

First Verse of the Quran "Chapter 1"

"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate"

and In arabic "the Original Quran's Language"
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

Count the letters of each word
بِسمِ 3
اللَّهِ 4
الرَّحمٰنِ 6
الرَّحيم 6

So: بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
6, 6, 4, 3

- By putting them together, we get 6643

If we divid this number by Seven, we will get integer also

6643 = 7 × 949

Last Verse of the Quran "Chapter 114"

"Among Jinns and among men"

and In arabic "the Original Quran's Language"

مِنَ الجِنَّةِ وَالنّاسِ

Count the letters of each word

مِنَ 2
الجِنَّةِ 5
و َ 1
َالنّاسِ 5

So: مِنَ الجِنَّةِ وَالنّاسِ
5, 1, 5, 2

- By putting them together, we get 5152

If we divid this number by Seven, we will get integer also

5152 = 7 × 736

- If we put the number of the last chapter (114) and the first chapter (1) together

we will get 1141

If we divid this number by Seven, we will get integer also

1141 = 7 × 163


The number of Chapters (114) didn't change and won't change.
The number of Verses (6236) didn't change and won't change.

Surely No human can do this or write the Quran with the Miracle of 7
It must be from God

Truely, As God Said

"Al-Hijr" 15:9
(9) Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian.